Endocrinology laboratory

Our lab is specialized in analyzing hormones in laboratory, domestic, and wild animals, although we process human samples as well. We offer a range of enzyme immunoassays (EIA) and radioimmunoassays (RIA) for androgen, estrogen, corticosteroids, melatonin, oxytocin, mesotocin, and more hormones in a number of biological matrices including plasma, saliva, urine, faeces, feathers, eggs, and other tissues. In addition, we develop assays on request for specific species or samples including validation.
If you are interested in collaborating with us in a project involving hormone measurements, please contact us before the beginning of the sample collection.

Responsable Scientist: Virginie Canoine

Some representative publications

Bowling, D.L., Gahr, J., Ancochea, P.G., Hoeschele, M., Canoine, V., Fusani, L. and Fitch, W.T., 2022. Endogenous oxytocin, cortisol, and testosterone in response to group singing. Hormones and behavior139, p.105105. DOI

Costanzo, A., Ambrosini, R., Parolini, M., Caprioli, M., Secomandi, S., Rubolini, D., Fusani, L. and Canoine, V., 2021. Telomere shortening is associated with corticosterone stress response in adult barn swallows. Current ZoologyDOI

Stocker, M., Prosl, J., Vanhooland, L.C., Horn, L., Bugnyar, T., Canoine, V. and Massen, J.J., 2021. Measuring salivary mesotocin in birds-Seasonal differences in ravens’ peripheral mesotocin levels. Hormones and behavior134, p.105015. DOI

Huber, N., Canoine, V., Cornils, J. S., Maggini, I., Cardinale, M., Ruf, T. & Fusani, L. 2020. Leukocyte coping capacity as a complementary stress metric in migrating birds. Journal of Ornithology, 161, pp.909–913. DOI

Lupi, S., Canoine, V., Pedrini, P. and Fusani, L., 2019. Temporary caging results in reduced levels of circulating melatonin in migratory robins. Journal of Experimental Biology222(24). DOI

Huber, N., Fusani, L., Ferretti, A., Mahr, K. and Canoine, V., 2017. Measuring short-term stress in birds: Comparing different endpoints of the endocrine-immune interface. Physiology & Behavior182, pp.46-53. DOI